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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by TriMet transit in the rose city...maybe even Rose City Transit Welcome Aboard!

transit in the rose city...maybe even rose city transit SystemMapper
See the location and details of all TriMet buses and MAX trains
See details, or launch the Static or Interactive versions TransitMapper
See the location and details of the next buses to a stop
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Twitter feed of TriMet Service Alerts | feed of Portland Police calls

TriMet scanner: Listen to almost all bus, MAX and LIFT radio calls (about)

My photos on Flickr | My videos on YouTube


Multiple-choice "approval" voting: Putting real competition and accountability in our elections
...or with "good" and "fair" options

other election thoughts (citizen-funded campaigns, unhelpful primaries, more)

Solving health care: Controlling TriMet's and everyone else's costs through a realistic, bottom-up way to create cost-controlled, near-universal care

other health care thoughts

Transportation / development subsidies, the real reason why we have traffic congestion and "sprawl", and version 2

Better taxi service: Making taxi companies subordinate to both drivers and customers

other transportation ideas (also see Bus service ideas, MAX ideas/views and other ideas/views)

Drafts of many more ideas

My thoughts on TriMet: the budget and more (old)

By Jason McHuff,